LTTS Academic

In this section you will find papers of a more academic nature. These papers have been reviewed to ensure a high level of research and quality. Many of them have been submitted as research papers in an academic environment. These papers are free to download and use in any setting. All we ask is that proper citations be made.

We welcome submissions to LTTS Academic. If you are interested in submitting a paper please see our submission guidelines here.

"The Peacemaker and the Prophet: Billy Graham's Role in the Civil Rights Movement"
(Church History, modern American)
     The twenty-first century Christian has much to gain by looking to the example set by Billy Graham and his stand against segregation in the middle of the twentieth century. This paper shows that in that turbulent time, Graham used his platform as a well-known evangelist to address the social, ethical, and spiritual aspects of segregation and integration.
     Billy Graham's life will be briefly summarized up until the 1950's and 60's. It will also be helpful to summarize the historical backdrop of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. Due to the intensity of this time it will be shown that Graham had supported and opponents on both sides of the debate. However, he tried to remain in a position that would provide him the best opportunity to preach the Gospel to everyone involved.

"Separated at Birth: God Distinguishes Israel in the Book of Exodus"
(Biblical Theology)
     The book of Exodus is foundational for our understanding of redemptive history, especially as it relates to God choosing a people for his own possession. In this paper the argument will be made that one of the primary thematic threads that runs through the book of Exodus is God separating, or distinguishing, his people from the rest of the world. This is seen most graphically in the exodus event, but also in the giving of the Law on Mt. Sinai.

"The Roots and Fruits of the Westminster Confession of Faith"
(Church history, Reformation)
     The Westminster Confession of Faith is one of the monumental documents of the Christian faith. It has stood the test of time as a confession of Reformed Christianity and remains the authoritative definition of the faith for many denominations in the Reformed tradition.
     One topic that is not often discussed about the WCF is its expression of the relationship between Church and State. This paper gives a brief historical overview of the relationship between the secular state and God's Church and uses that as a backdrop for understanding the evolution of this relationship up to the point of the Westminster Assembly. It goes on to show the points of contact between the theological and the political situation in Britain (and Europe) at the time of the Assembly and how that effected the WCF's treatment of the issue.

"Gospel Indeed: A Brief Biblical Theology of Romans"
(Biblical Theology)
     There has been much written about the book of Romans as it is one of the weightiest books in the New Testament. Many scholars have tried to reinvent Paul by looking at him from a "new perspective" and a different view of Second Temple Judaism. This paper suggests that the lens through which we must interpret Paul, specifically in Romans, is the "Gospel lens." All of the theological acrobatics that Paul performs in this book become clear if understood through the Gospel that he presents at the beginning of the letter.

"Freedom or Fidelity: The Battle Over Baptist Identity in the SBC"
(Church history, modern American)
     Today the Southern Baptist Convention, as a denomination, remains one of the strongholds of biblical authority and infallibility. From the 1970's through the 1980's there was a struggle in the Southern Baptist Convention described as either "The Conservative Resurgence" or the "Fundamentalist Takeover" depending on which side of the controversy one was on.  This issue of inerrancy was at the heart of this debate as well as the "Fundamentalist Controversy" of the 1920's, the "Elliot Controversy" of the early 1960's, and the "Broadman Controversy" of 1969-70. This paper will show that the "Conservative Resurgence" was the logical continuation of the previous three controversies and ultimately led to a reformation of the Southern Baptist Convention.

"A Different Kind of Christian Nation: Roger Williams and John Leland's Vision of Religious Liberty in America"
(Church history, colonial American)
     Separation of Church and State has become an issue that is often championed by those who would like to keep religious influence out of the realm of government. However, Christians such as Roger  Williams, and John Leland held strong convictions about the separation of Church and State and those convictions were deeply rooted in their theology. In fact, the "wall of separation" that Thomas Jefferson famously wrote about in his letter to the Danbury Baptists was first mentioned by none other than Roger Williams.
     Not only were WIlliams' convictions rooted in his theology, but also in his understanding of history and how the marriage of Church and State was almost always detrimental to the Church. This paper will show that the doctrine of the separation of Church and State was championed by Roger Williams, and John Leland for the benefit of both God's Church and the administration of a civil and free society.

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