LTTS Academic Submission Guidlines

There is a wealth of knowledge in the Church and the internet has given us unprecedented access to that knowledge base. At LTTS Academic we want to help share the great work that our brothers and sisters in Christ are accomplishing in the area of theological thought and research. Furthermore, I don't know about you, but I would hate to think that all that hard work I did in school spending hours upon hours researching, and days upon days writing papers would only land them in a filing cabinet in the back of the closet. Our hope is that this place can become an outlet for some of that hard work in researching and writing. Your paper may be completely independent of school work, or it may be a term paper for your Systematic Theology class. Either way, we invite you to join this database of Christian knowledge.

If you are interested in submitting a paper for consideration please follow these guidelines:

1. Please read our statement of faith found here and make sure that we are basically in agreement on core doctrine. Disagreements about secondary doctrines should never quench theological discussion, but if we are going to promote a paper we feel the author should at least agree on some core beliefs.

2. Please review your paper for grammar, spelling, etc. It is always a good idea to have someone else read over it to catch those kinds of mistakes. Of course, if it has already been submitted to an instructor this should already have happened.

3. Submit your paper in MS Word and make sure we can edit the paper. The only editing we will do is formatting it to be uniform with all of our other papers. We are NOT going to edit for content, etc.

4. We prefer Chicago style citations. If your paper is footnoted we can easily convert them to endnotes when we format it for publication.

5. There is no word-count minimum or maximum.

NOTE: You will retain all the rights to your paper. If you would like it removed at any time you may request that it be taken down. This is YOUR material! LTTS Academic only reserves the right to format it and place it at our discretion on the website.


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