Coming Soon! Romans Study

God's Word is amazing! It is sharper than any two-edged sword. It is living and active, and it never returns void. No matter how much you study, you cannot completely plumb the depths of the Bible. We can always learn more, not just for information's sake, but for transformation.

About a year ago I embarked, along with the good folks at our church, on a journey through the book of Romans. Undoubtedly, this is one of the monumental books in the Bible and it covers so much theological ground. What I want to do is begin to share this journey with you through a series of teaching videos. Steel yourselves because this is not going to be a short series. I'm a year in and have only made it to chapter 11!

As ridiculous as that sounds, and as daunting as it may be, never fear, my desire is to provide you with some engaging teaching on this life-changing book. There have been volumes upon volumes written on Romans, so while this will be a fairly in-depth study it will NOT be exhaustive (and hopefully not exhausting). Over the next several weeks I hope to be able to publish enough videos to get you caught up to where we are. Then each week will feature a new, fresh video teaching. I will also work to make notes available for download so you can follow along just like you are here with us.

So, stay tuned and if you want to be alerted when this new content is published  be sure to sign up for our email list.


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