My Hope is Built on Nothing Less...
Photo courtesy of IceYeti
My wife and I have started Beth Moore's study titled Paul: 90 Days on His Journey of Faith . Today, for me, was day nine and it was centered on Paul's conversion and the account of it we find in Acts chapter 9. One of the questions that she asks us to consider prior to the lesson is this; "Your saving encounter with Jesus may very likely have come with fewer flashes of light that Saul's did. Has this troubled you? Why should it not?" Now, before I go any further let me say that I have strange feeling that I may have already addressed this subject matter in the past. So, if this is a repeat then I am sincerely sorry but it is what is on my heart and mind this morning and it is my blog so I'll write what I want to write. So there. The thoughts that this question sparked in my mind focus on the idea that some believers have that if you didn't have a massive, lights flashing, emotional, amazing conversion experience then t...