If you're anything like me, it is easy to listen to all the voices that speak into your life. People who either encourage, or discourage you. People who believe in you, and those who don't. Those who try to affirm your gifts and calling, and those who try to convince you that you're mistaken. The list could go on. Now, Dr. Phil, and Oprah, and Dr. Drew, and Joel Osteen, and Tony Robbins are all going to give you some ideas about how to deal with those negative voices that bark into your ear. Some might even have some advice about what to do when the voice is your's . Well, here's the good news; what you are experiencing is nothing new. In fact, even the apostle Paul dealt with this issue. Here's the even better news; God's Word - the Bible - offers us true, godly, wisdom on how to deal with it, not trendy human wisdom. In 1 Corinthians 4:1-5 Paul gives us a recipe for what I'm going to call "God-confidence." It isn't self-confidence, ...